International Conference

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논문명(제목만) Analysis of EMF effect evaluation for human implantable medical devices of electric vehicle wireless changing device 
논문명 Jaewon Rhee, Jangyong Ahn, Haerim Kim, Changmin Lee, and Seungyoung Ahn, "Analysis of EMF effect evaluation for human implantable medical devices of electric vehicle wireless changing device," BioEM, June, 2022. 
Year 2022 
국내/국외 International 
Author Jaewon Rhee 
Co-aunthor Jangyong Ahn, Haerim Kim, Changmin Lee, and Seungyoung Ahn 
Title Analysis of EMF effect evaluation for human implantable medical devices of electric vehicle wireless changing device 
Conference Name BioEM 
Acronym BioEM 
순번 103 
