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논문명(제목만) Absorbed power density calculation using specific absorption rate in dipole and patch antennas in the 6-10 GHz band 
논문명 Changmin Lee, Jangyong Ahn, Sungryul Huh, Hyukchoon Kwon, Yongho Park, Minbeom Ko, and Seungyoung Ahn, "Absorbed power density calculation using specific absorption rate in dipole and patch antennas in the 6-10 GHz band," BioEM, June, 2022. 
Year 2022 
국내/국외 International 
Author Changmin Lee 
Co-aunthor Jangyong Ahn, Sungryul Huh, Hyukchoon Kwon, Yongho Park, Minbeom Ko, and Seungyoung Ahn 
Title Absorbed power density calculation using specific absorption rate in dipole and patch antennas in the 6-10 GHz band 
Conference Name BioEM 
Acronym BioEM 
순번 102 
