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논문명(제목만) Coupling factor calculation method for wireless power transfer system in low frequency band 
논문명 Jangyong Ahn, Seon-Eui Hong, Haerim Kim, Kyunghwan Song, Hyung-Do Choi, and Seungyoung Ahn, "Coupling factor calculation method for wireless power transfer system in low frequency band," BioEM, June, 2022. 
Year 2022 
국내/국외 International 
Author Jangyong Ahn 
Co-aunthor Seon-Eui Hong, Haerim Kim, Kyunghwan Song, Hyung-Do Choi, and Seungyoung Ahn 
Title Coupling factor calculation method for wireless power transfer system in low frequency band 
Conference Name BioEM 
순번 101 
