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2015-10-10 19:37:04
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논문명(제목만) Vertical Stepped Impedance EBG (VSI-EBG) Structure for Wideband Suppression of Simultaneous Switching Noise in Multilayer PCBs 
논문명 Myunghoi Kim, Kyoungchoul Koo, Yujeong Shim, Chulsoon Hwang, Jun So Pak, Seungyoung Ahn, and Joungho Kim, "Vertical Stepped Impedance EBG (VSI-EBG) Structure for Wideband Suppression of Simultaneous Switching Noise in Multilayer PCBs" IEEE Transactions on Electromagnetic Compatibility, Vol. 55, No. 2, pp. 307-314, Apr. 2014. 
순번 19