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논문명(제목만) Maximizing Output Power Using a Magnetic Energy Harvesting System Considering the Relationship between Harvesting Time and Induced Voltage due to a Change of Airgap 
논문명 Sungryul Huh, Ja-il Koo, Okhyun Jeong, and Seungyoung Ahn, "Maximizing Output Power Using a Magnetic Energy Harvesting System Considering the Relationship between Harvesting Time and Induced Voltage due to a Change of Airgap", IEEE Access 
Year 2023 
국내/국외 International 
Author Sungryul Huh 
Co-aunthor Ja-il Koo, Okhyun Jeong, and Seungyoung Ahn 
Title Maximizing Output Power Using a Magnetic Energy Harvesting System Considering the Relationship between Harvesting Time and Induced Voltage due to a Change of Airgap 
Journal Name IEEE Access 
Acronym IEEE Access 
순번 121 
